Things around the house…
My housemate has a knack for finding things at second hand and thrift stores. This is the bounty from his last adventure. Well, except the port. That was for a recipe. And, before you ask, the recipe...
View ArticleSunday was long…
If you have ever helped cater a large event, served food professionally or worked in a hot, busy bakery you will understand what I mean by the title of this post. All of those things happened this...
View ArticleBowls and an anniversary…
Earlier this week, I celebrated 8 years of being with my best friend in the whole world. Technically, we have only been married for a year but I like to recognize our entire relationship. We have...
View ArticleThe yard…
Our yard is doing some magical things right now. I can take no credit for any of it.
View ArticleEvening…
The heat finally broke and we could go outside without passing out (or at least the fear of passing out). The temps kept me away from the stove but I did make ice cream for the very first time. It was...
View ArticleAt the lake…
The last few weeks have been full of crazy, nonstop stuff. I hardly had a chance to catch my breath and it was on to the next thing. I will, however, actually be posting a recipe with pictures this...
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